After years of infertility, two rounds of IVF, and a miscarriage, Becky and her husband Denton finally welcomed their baby, Rose, into the world! Although the pregnancy was healthy, Becky dealt with nausea and vomiting all the way up until the moment Rose was born. Becky gave birth in the hospital with her husband, mom, and doula there to support her. She felt empowered and safe and had a peaceful and smooth labor and delivery with no pain medications!
Becky Myers-Pollock Bio
Becky lives with her husband, Denton and baby, Rose in Pennsylvania. Becky now stays home with Rose but is a trained Montessori teacher and continues to help parents learn more about the Montessori philosophy through Facebook groups and her instagram account, bec_montessori. She’s passionate about women feeling educated, supported, and empowered through pregnancy and motherhood.
- The Birth Hour’s Know Your Options course
- Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nicols (and now Real Food for Fertility)
- Expecting Better by Emily Oster
- Understanding the Human Being by Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro
- The Montessori Baby by Junnifa Uzodike and Simone Davies
- Montessori at Home Facebook group
- @bec_montessori on instagram

Mountain Meadow Herbs
Today’s episode is sponsored by Mountain Meadow Herbs. Help prepare your body for birth with their leading herbal birth prep supplement called Gentle Birth. Gentle Birth is a midwife approved, time-tested liquid herbal formula that more than 100,000 women have chosen to help prepare their bodies for birth. Gentle Birth is a perfect blend of herbs formulated with the wisdom of Amish midwifery, like red raspberry leaf, milk thistle, wild yam root, and nine more thoughtfully blended herbs known to help lessen labor pains, improve uterine muscle tone, manage bleeding, and even ease you and baby into nursing by reducing postpartum letdown.
Trusted for over 20 years and earning thousands of rave reviews and testimonials from midwives and mothers alike, Gentle Birth is Mountain Meadow Herbs signature product. But they also have a full range of herbal remedies for all your family’s needs, from infants to adults of all ages. Find out more at and take advantage of this special offer by using code BIRTHHOUR for 10% off and free shipping on your first order.
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