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Two Homebirth Birth Stories with Kacie Case: A Marathon and a Sprint

Two Homebirth Birth Stories with Kacie Case

For this episode, I got to record my first in person birth story interview with the beautiful, talented and sweet Kacie Case.

Kacie Case Bio

Kacie is a mama to two boys named Eddy and Rocky and lives with her husband and kiddos in Austin, TX (hey that’s where I live too!). Kacie is also a small business owner and makes adorable printed tees for babies, toddlers and kids at mamacase prints. Connect with Kacie on Instagram @heymamacase.

Kacie and I poured some wine and got right down to talking about her two beautiful and empowering homebirths. I love that Kacie attended her two brother’s homebirths when she was growing up and had the honor of cutting their umbilical cords. Pretty much from that moment, Kacie was destined to have some kickass homebirths of her own.

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One Reply to “Two Homebirth Birth Stories with Kacie Case: A Marathon and a Sprint”

  1. I appreciate the advice on the home birth plan. I’m 38 weeks and hadn’t thought of doing that. I will get to it. Also you made me tear up when talking about thanking your body for what it has done and how the special pregnancy moments are ending!

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