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OB Nurse Shares Amazing Positive Unmedicated Delivery Birth Story

As an OB nurse, Josanne has a wide range of knowledge about pregnancy and labor. With her first delivery being a vaginal delivery with an epidural, pitocin, and lasting over 16 hours, she desired for her second child’s delivery to be an unmedicated birth. When her water broke during a staff meeting at work, Josanne’s coworkers (whom were the providers that she delivered with) were so excited and were eager to get her to the hospital. Her manager ended up driving her to the hospital, and her husband was able to meet up with them in L&D triage. In triage, she was 3 cm and having mild contractions every 45 minutes. Weighing all of her options, she opted to get labor started with misoprostol (cytotec). From starting cytotec, she had a precipitous delivery and delivered her son 2 HOURS LATER on hands and knees! Talk about a quick delivery! With the use of prayer, a TENS unit, and double hip squeezes from her husband and nurse, Josanne was able to have the unmedicated delivery that she desired with no complications! She describes the labor as being absolutely empowering and frequently says “I can’t wait to have another labor just like that!” Not only was the delivery amazing, but her postpartum recovery was so much better without having an epidural.

ob nurse unmedicated birth story

Josanne Callicutt Bio 

Josanne lives in Pittsboro, NC and is an RN who used to work in Labor and Delivery in Maryland at a high risk unit. She is currently a stay at home mom and married to her husband Lee, who is a pastor at Grace Hill church. They have two kids Eden (2 years old) and Judah (8 months old). Connect with her by leaving a comment on this show notes page.



Today’s episode is sponsored by FamilyAlbum. I’ve been using The FamilyAlbum app for the  last year ever since my brother and sister-in-law adopted my baby nephew! My whole family became obsessed with the usability of this app and it  brought our entire extended family closer together as we could each leave comments on the  photos and give our accounts fun nicknames. I might have teared up when I created that “Aunt  Bryn” name for the first time!! The FamilyAlbum app is totally secure and I love that there’s no third-party ads or unwanted eyes, unlimited storage, and it’s totally free!  

A few of the cool features I’ve discovered using the app are that it automatically sorts photos  and videos by month, allowing you to swipe back in time and see how your child has grown.  Another neat feature is you can order 8 free photo prints every month to be delivered to your home. Level up your family photo game with a free photo sharing app with unlimited storage. Head over to the app store today, search “FamilyAlbum” (one word), download the app and start creating and sharing in the day-to-day joys of those precious early years!

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