Cailyn switched from care with a midwife at a birthing center within a hospital to a homebirth midwife at 30 weeks. Cailyn had a beautifully challenging 32 hour labor and long pushing stage surrounded by her amazing husband, wonderful midwife, doula and birth photographer. Later that day her son then needed a little bit more support so they transferred to the local hospital and spent some time in the nursery there until they were finally discharged home after 48 hours. They then had a challenging postpartum feeding journey that consisted of months of triple feeding and donor milk.
Cailyn McDonnell Bio
Cailyn McDonnell is a wife to her lovely husband, a mother to her beautiful 1 year old boy and 3 year old pitbull. She is also a pelvic floor physical therapist with a private practice in Canton CT called Lotus Pelvic Health . She loves all things birth, hiking and live music. Connect with her on social media @lotuspelvichealth or via email
- Britta Bushnell’s Transformed by birth
- Ina may gaskins guide to childbirth
- Business of being born
- Local (to CT) resources:
- Forrester Lactation in Farmington
- My Midwife Christy from Magnolia Midwifery
- Birth photos by Viven Stembridge @vstemb
Cozy Earth
Today’s episode is sponsored by Cozy Earth. I first learned about Cozy Earth when their sheets were named one of Oprah’s favorite things in 2018 and I was having a baby in the Fall of 2018 and treated myself to the softest sheets I’ve ever slept on! I’ve been sleeping on Cozy Earth’s best-selling bamboo sheet sets (and their pillow too) ever since. Cozy Earth sheets are temperature-regulating and incredibly soft which is so perfect for all of the life stages we talk about on The Birth Hour. Seriously, if you are a hot sleeper these are a game changer and worth the investment! They’d also make a great baby registry item. Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for our listener’s today. Up to 40% off site wide when you use the code “BIRTHHOUR”

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