Laura and Jayson got pregnant in October 2022 and found out just 2 weeks before Jayson deployed for 7 months. Laura was 39 weeks when they went out for pizza on the night of June 30th. They enjoyed what they didn’t know what their last night as just the two of them. They went to bed that night not knowing that their worlds would change the next morning. Laura woke up to very intense contractions at 1:30am. She tried to go back to sleep but the pain was too severe. She tried to get in the shower but the contractions were getting more intense and were coming back to back with no break in between. She finally woke up Jayson and they were on the way to the hospital at 3am.
Laura was 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced when they got there. She immediately asked for an epidural and within 30 minutes she could finally relax. The contractions were still really intense though and back to back so she had to get medicine to slow them down so that the baby would not become distressed. By 8am it was time to start pushing. Baby girl Peyton was born at 9:28am at exactly 9 lbs. Everything was going smoothly until this point. The placenta was not coming out and after about 20-30 minutes the doctor said they would have to intervene because Laura was losing too much blood. Jayson took the baby because Laura started to get really lightheaded and nauseous. They finally got the placenta out but Laura lost 2 liters of blood.
They were monitored for a while in the labor and delivery room until being moved to postpartum. Breastfeeding had a learning curve but they eventually got the hang of it and 2 days later they were both healthy and able to go home. Connect with Laura on Instagram @lajohnson21.

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Aeroflow Breastpumps
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