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Waters Break Before Labor, Pitocin & Epidural Birth
Lauren’s first birth story was a precious, yet invigorating experience. Her water broke before active labor began and, because there was meconium in the water, she was admitted into the hospital before contractions really began. She set out wanting to have an all-natural birth in which she labored as long as possible at home, but accepted her doctor’s recommendation to use Pitocin to progress her labor and avoid risks of infection. It was a happy, safe and fulfilling experience despite the fear that was produced for her about the use of Pitocin in leading to complications. She hopes this experience relieves fears others have about using Pitocin and epidurals when necessary.
Lauren Alexander Bio
Lauren lives with her wife of almost two years in Los Altos, California. She gave birth to her first baby in October 2017, and plans to have two-to-three more children. She hopes that other lesbian couples trying to start families can learn from her and her wife’s experience of planning, fertility treatments, and choosing a donor.
Cherie Zappas – Lactation Consultant and early education and parenting support
Ursula Sabia Sukinik – doula services, doula training, birthing classes online and local to D.C. and Baltimore metro area
MuTu Systems – pregnancy and postpartum recovery and strength training
Hey! My partner and I are doing the IUI thing and I was wondering if you were taking any medications when you did your IUIs and how you timed them? Thank you! I very much appreciate hearing from another same sex couple. It particularly resonated with me when you spoke about being treated like you have fertility problems when you don’t! Thanks again