Elizabeth experienced a pregnancy that was relatively physically easy as well as a surprisingly almost painless, epidural-free birth. What was tough to handle were the emotional difficulties that she was facing. Between the death of her brother prior to getting pregnant, the loss of her nephew in the first trimester, and a third trimester flag for a potential severe fetal genetic disorder with her baby, grief and loss had a major impact on her well-being. During her postpartum recovery, the major focus was on mental health. Elizabeth sought supportive therapies and resources for not only postpartum anxiety but also death anxiety as the result of PTSD from her losses.
When her son was almost three-months-old, Elizabeth was managing things well and preparing for her upcoming transition back to work. But the COVID-19 pandemic caused everything to come to a halt. A major coping mechanism for her anxiety involved social interactions, and with those no longer available, she had to find new methods. In the midst of navigating anxiety, Elizabeth also balanced ongoing genetic testing, extended breastfeeding, working from home, and becoming a new parent in a post-pandemic world.
Elizabeth Booker Houston, JD, MPH Bio
Elizabeth is a Government Information Specialist at FDA in the Washington, DC Metro Area. She lives with her husband, Billy, and their two-year-old son, Booker. Along with her career in public health law, Elizabeth is also a comedian. She can be found on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook @bookersquared and on Twitter @bookersquared1.
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