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ECV breech baby

Successful ECV for Breech Baby & Two Hospital Birth Stories

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Gabey’s relatively easy pregnancy with her first child hit some trouble when the baby stubbornly stayed in breech position. An external cephalic version at 37 weeks was very intense but luckily successful on the third try. Their daughter Inez came a week early, and labor was fast – about 8 hours start to finish. As a first timer, Gabey was in denial about her labor progression until the very end, which is why her baby was born right into the hospital toilet – unattended except for her husband! Gabey’s second child, a boy, was even faster. She managed to give birth on the hospital bed that time.

Gabrielle Cosel

Gabrielle lives in Washington DC with her husband Luke, daughter Inez (3) and son Eamonn (6 months). Gabey works at the FDA on drug quality issues, and Luke is at the State Department. Outside of work Gabey loves to garden, cook, and make art. Her biggest struggle is making time for all the things she wants to do juggling work and two small kids. She loves the birth hour podcast and binge listened before both of her births.


Today’s episode is brought to you by Britax Child Safety, Inc. For over 50 years, Britax has been focused on safety you can trust from the very first day. They welcome new moms and dads to parenthood with award-winning car seats and strollers for every lifestyle while providing extra confidence for the journey ahead. At the end of today’s episode, I spoke with Britax safety advocate, Sarah Tilton, all about Preparing for the First Ride Home. Learn more about Britax products and safety tips at

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