After struggling for years of infertility, Stephanie and her first husband adopted their daughter Sadie. After Stephanie met her now husband Jamie, they had a surprise pregnancy. Having to change providers 3 times because they were not supportive of a physiological birth. They finally were able to connect with a midwife and planned a homebirth. After a 13 hour labor baby boy made his entrance feet first! Ezra pollock, a tiny 5lbs 4oz was struggling to breathe. He was transferred to the NICU and was there 7 days. Stephanie was diagnosed after delivery with a bicornate uterus which was the cause of Ezra being breech. Despite some challenges Stephanie and Jamie were so grateful to have a homebirth and thankful for the midwifery model of care!

- Ronald McDonald House
- The Birth Hour podcast
- Down to Birth podcast
- Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
- Evidence Based Birth
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