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switching to homebirth from hospital birth

Switching from Hospital to Home Birth at 34 Weeks

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When Monique got pregnant she didn’t have a lot of information on birth. She only knew that it was her desire to have a vaginal birth. At 34 weeks she decided to switch from having a hospital birth to a homebirth. Labor started at 38w6d, but contractions were only lasting 35 seconds on average. Waiting for them to reach the 1 minute mark, she almost waited too long to call the midwife, who arrived only 15 minutes before her baby was born.

hospital to homebirth transfer of care

Monique Lamhut Bio

Monique is a stay-at-home mom to her 2 year-old-daughter. She is from Brazil, but currently lives in The Netherlands where she just finished her doula training. Connect with her via email at


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