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A Vaginal Twin Birth Story

vaginal twin birth story

A Vaginal Twin Birth Story – Kimberly Sherman

In this episode of The Birth Hour, Kimberly Sherman shares the birth story of her twin boys. It’s crazy to me that this was the first time that I actually heard a vaginal twin birth story. I know there are plenty of women who give birth to their twins vaginally but I just hadn’t met one yet, so this was a really special conversation to me.

Kimberly prepared so well for her boys’ birth and went into the experience knowing the type of hospital birth that she wanted and was a great advocate for herself. I’m so excited for you all to hear her story!

Kimberly also shares some amazing resources in her episode, and even emailed me with a few more after we talked, so please take the time to check out the ones that are applicable to you.

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

Resource Links


Preggie Pals, The Boob Group, & Twin Talks

Pregnancy Meditation

Well Adjusted Mama (Maternity & Pediatric Chiropractor): 


Expecting: Praying for Child’s Development – Body & Soul 

When Your Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads 

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth 

Other Stuff for Moms

Postpartum Care Pads 

Placenta Encapsulation

Danielle Burkleo’s Birth Story

11 lbs and No Tearing – Danielle Burkleo Shares the Birth Story of Her Fifth Child

In this episode, Danielle Burkleo shares the birth story of her fifth child, Lula. She talks a bit about her first 3 births and then tells the story of her most recent pregnancy and birth. This time around, her pregnancy was a little uncertain, but ultimately she ended up giving birth to a healthy 11 pound baby girl in the hospital with no tearing whatsoever! Listen to Danielle share her story in her own words as she talks about how she surrendered to the pain.

Danielle Burkleo Bio

Danielle is a married mom of five, residing in upstate New York. She says her dreams came true when she became a mother, it is her greatest gift. Danielle works from home as a graphic designer. She loves apple crisp, photography, travel, Jesus & squeezing her babies. You can find her at, and @danielleburkleo on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

Resource Links

The Business of Being Born