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I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for making the birth hour. I had a marathon labor with my first son two years ago and was pretty apprehensive before I had my second 3 weeks ago. I listened to every single episode of the birth hour while I was pregnant with my second baby – some of them multiple times – and I want you to know that it was the single most valuable thing I did to prepare for the birth. My labor was so different the second time – and all the different stories of all the different labors of all the women you’ve had on your podcast were with me. Somehow I learned from all of the experiences that have been shared on your show – and it made me stronger and more peaceful while I was in labor myself. My daughter is almost a month old, and I miss listening to you now that I don’t “need” to listen anymore to prepare (I may sneak an episode here and there anyway). Thank you for the work you’re doing. It touched my life in a way I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to fully articulate.