Alicia’s first baby was born at a free-standing birth center with midwives and all was going well until, during pushing, thick meconium was present in her amniotic fluid which added to the urgency when the 11lb 1oz baby’s shoulders got stuck and needed help from her midwife to get out. After resuscitation, her daughter went straight to the NICU and stayed there for a week. Her second birth was wildly opposite when her water broke just before midnight and her baby was accidentally born in the bathroom just after 2am. That FER kicked in but she was able to keep from pushing until her midwife arrived and the baby flew out in 3 pushes. Her third birth was not quite as fast, but smooth and straightforward at home after driving herself to her midwife appointment only to have her cervix checked (she was 8cm dilated!) and told “Go home! You’re having a baby today!!” Sure enough, her third baby was born just over an hour after arriving back at home.

Alicia Brose Bio
Alicia is a 28 year old wife and mother of three who lives 30 minutes south of Seattle. She and her husband owned a small home inspection business for 8 years and recently sold that so her husband could pursue a firefighting career. After doing all the research she has for her pregnancies, birth and postpartum, she has become a self-proclaimed “birth nerd”. Alicia does part-time photography, loves gardening, plans to homeschool her children and enjoys baking and riding her peloton bike. Her secret dream is to own a flower farm someday. You can connect her on instagram at @aliciawithtoniechristine
- The Birth Hour Podcast
- Christian Hypnobirthing App
- Spinning Babies- Parents Class and Daily Essentials
- The Freya App for contraction tracking
- The Miles Circuit
- Virtual HAES Dietitian- specializing in pregnant moms with GD & a history of eating disorders
- My favorite Gestational Diabetes instagram account: @gestational.diabetes.nutrition
- MommaStrong- workout program that focuses on functional movements and the pelvic floor with quick but effective workouts.
Cozy Earth
Today’s episode is sponsored by Cozy Earth. I first learned about Cozy Earth when their sheets were named one of Oprah’s favorite things in 2018 and I was having a baby in the Fall of 2018 and treated myself to the softest sheets I’ve ever slept on! I’ve been sleeping on Cozy Earth’s best-selling bamboo sheet sets (and their pillow too) ever since. Cozy Earth sheets are temperature-regulating and incredibly soft which is so perfect for all of the life stages we talk about on The Birth Hour. Seriously, if you are a hot sleeper these are a game changer and worth the investment! They’d also make a great baby registry item. Cozy Earth provided an exclusive offer for our listener’s today. Up to 40% off site wide when you use the code “BIRTHHOUR”

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