Transfer in Care in Late Pregnancy Hospital Birth Story
Sara planned a birth center birth in Greensboro, NC, with Certified Nurse Midwives. However, during her last trimester she finished graduate school and moved to Richmond, VA, with her husband 22 days before she gave birth. She hoped for a low intervention birth with the midwives at the hospital, but ended up choosing an epidural after experiencing back labor. After about 17 hours of labor and pushing for 45 minutes, her baby boy was born perfectly healthy but with a cephalohematoma; basically a very large bump on his head. Despite a strong support system, Sara struggled with breastfeeding and PPD during the fourth trimester.
Sara Jones Bio
Sara lives in Richmond, Virginia, with her husband of five years, their 8-month-old son Lincoln, and their two cats, Sawyer and Mae. She is an academic advisor for the music department at Virginia Commonwealth University, with a background and degrees in music education. She loves to cook, eat, read, and explore her beloved Richmond with family and friends! Seriously, come visit Richmond. It’s great.
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
The Birth Hour Podcast
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