Homebirth after ECV for Breech Baby
Kate experienced an uneventful pregnancy, until at 38 weeks she discovered her baby was in breech position. She made the empowering decision to have an external cephalic version (ECV) in a hospital, then went on to have a successful homebirth.
Kate Novotny Bio
Kate Novotny currently lives in Dallas, TX. After working as a birth doula, homebirth assistant, and Labor & Delivery Nurse, Kate and her (future) husband found themselves unexpectedly pregnant. They moved from Flagstaff, Arizona to San Diego, California, where they planned to give birth at home. Connect with Kate on Instagram. Read more about Kate: Who I Am and Kate’s Postpartum Story: I Survived Postpartum Depression

Motif Medical
This episode was sponsored by Motif Medical. Motif designs insurance-eligible products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support mothers as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms are reporting more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, and see how you can get it covered through insurance at motifmedical.com/birthhour.
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