Planning for an intervention free hospital birth in the Summer of 2020, Ananda dealt with several curveballs to the first pregnancy experience she always dreamed she would have. These include a risk for a genetic condition identified during NIPT screening, a global pandemic, switching care at 34 weeks, and stubborn breech positioning. After going to almost 42 weeks, labor stalled and for a variety of reasons ended in an unplanned c-section that felt traumatic. All of these factors during her pregnancy led to some prenatal anxiety/depression that carried through her postpartum experience.
With her second pregnancy in 2023, Ananda chose to prepare for a VBAC and made changes to her care team and hospital to support that. Gestational Diabetes led to a marathon induction at 39 weeks that lasted almost 5 days but ended in a positive and redemptive repeat c-section.
Ananda DeMaio Bio
My name is Ananda, I’m 36 years old and I live in Providence, RI with my husband Jason, our three year old daughter Ramona, and our seven week old son Laszlo. I am a therapist and have a private practice and Jason is a Chef and used to own a restaurant here but switched careers after our daughter was born and is now an apprentice electrician. Connect with her on Facebook: Ananda Hegedus or Instagram: @Aday8787

- Birth Hour podcast/ Know Your Options Childbirth Course
- Books: Ina May Gaskin’s Guide to Childbirth/Breastfeeding; Like a Mother; Emily Oster’s books; and Hunt, Gather, Parent
- Spinning babies
- Facebook Support Group chat for Gestational Diabetes
- The Association for X and Y Chromosome Variations (AXYS):
- Facebook support groups in general for due date, Gestational Diabetes, Breastfeeding, and Trisomy X
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