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Vaginal Breech Twin Birth at the Hospital

Breech Baby A and Vertex Baby B Twins

Jenn knew from the moment she found out she was having twins that this was going to be an exceptionally exciting journey and birth. As the ultrasounds continued and the pregnancy progressed, baby A continued to present breech while baby B was snug in vertex position all along.

With each ultrasound, Jenn prayed and prayed that baby A would turn head down because her OB continued to tell her that she absolutely would not deliver a breech baby A. Not understanding…or being convinced…of the risk, Jenn simply asked -specifically- “what are the risks of a vaginal breech baby A?” She requested that her OB provide her with actual research of breech baby A and all the risks that go along with that. She was told interlocking chins (they were di/di and each in their own sacs), cord entanglement, prolapsed cord, still birth, cerebral palsy, and what seemed like a host of other fear-based possibilities. Finally, with hesitation, research in the form of scholarly journal entries, were provided to her. Nothing that she read convinced her that there was any real risk…certainly that outweighed the risks associated with a c-section!

Advocating for a Vaginal Breech Twin Birth

After several intense visits with her doctor, Jenn was able to express to her OB that being given a chance to deliver breech baby A was necessary and that if not given the opportunity to at least try, there was a chance that she would opt to deliver at home. Upon hearing that, her OB finally got on board. Because, let’s remember, the doctors work for the patient. As patients, we are autonomous beings who are in charge of the decision making for our own bodies. She reached out to a doctor that she heard about from a mommy board. His name was Dr. Stuart Fischbein. Jenn reached out to him via email and he was able to provide information to help her with her research of a natural, twin, breech baby, vaginal birth. (Please see his amazing website,

breech twin birth

In the early morning of 37+5 Jenn’s water broke while she was sleeping. Leisurely she and her husband headed to the hospital. They were accepted into the triage area of the maternity ward where they spent an additional 2 hours minimum. Several doctors came in and attempted to talk her out of having a vaginal birth of a breech baby A. In fact, she was forced to hand write a statement of understanding of the risks associated with this birth, releasing the hospital of responsibility. She complied and finally was admitted into a birthing suite. Approximately 12 hours after her water broke, there was no sign of any contractions and no progress made otherwise. At this point she agreed to start pitocin, around 5pm. She really wanted it to be a completely intervention-less birth, but knew progress needed to be made. Several hours after the pitocin started, contractions finally began. Around 10:30pm severe contractions began and she was 7cm at this point. At midnight, Jenn had what felt like circular contractions where the next one started before the previous one was even able to stop. There were no breaks at all in the contractions for about an hour. Feeling concerned about her energy to push out not one, but two, she asked to be checked for any more progress. She was still only at 7cm. Sadly, she decided she needed some help with the pain and opted for a very last minute epidural. No sooner did the medicine get into her body did she feel baby A move into position and the urge to push. Oddly, the epidural was not put in the correct spot and she felt everything but just on one side. Jenn told her doula that she felt the urge to push and orders were given to the doctors to get the OR prepped…it was time to have these babies.

At 1:45am Jenn was wheeled down to the OR. She was fully dilated and the baby was definitely making her appearance. Jenn pushed TWO TIMES and in less than ONE MINUTE the little breech baby A made her exciting and healthy appearance at 1:55am! Baby B was transverse all day long, but as soon as baby A was born, B went head down and into pushing position. Baby B was born at 2:13am. Two very healthy babies who were born vaginally, first breech and second vertex. No problems, no issues, no complications, just an absolutely perfect and beautiful unique birth!

Follow Jenn on Instagram @jennifer.mancuso

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One Reply to “Vaginal Breech Twin Birth at the Hospital”

  1. I so needed to hear this story right now at 31 weeks pregnant with double breech twins. So inspirational

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