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911 Call Roadside Delivery Birth

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911 Call Roadside Delivery

Jerika planned a hospital birth with her first. She saw an OBGYN and had a very textbook pregnancy. Her water broke the evening of July 2nd, 2016 and contractions started when she was given Pitocin. Her labor and delivery were very textbook as well. She experienced a lot of pain for about two weeks after giving birth which influenced her to opt for an unmedicated birth for her second child. She had been going to a midwife and was planning to deliver at a birth center. Her second pregnancy was very textbook as well.

911 call roadside birth

Unlike her first pregnancy, she did experience some Braxton hicks and cramping for about three weeks before she went into labor. The morning of May 18th, 2018, Jerika started having contractions that eventually turned into active labor. By 1:30 pm she called her husband to come home from work and things escalated quickly. He arrived at 1:45 pm and by 2:00pm contractions were only minutes apart and very intense. They quickly got in the car to make the 30 minute trip to the birthing center. 10 minutes into the drive her water broke and she quickly realized they were not going to make it. Her husband called 911 and was instructed to go to the nearest hospital. While in route to the hospital they realized they they wouldn’t make it there either. The operator instructed them to pull over and walked her husband through the delivery of their second daughter. Paramedics arrived about 5 minutes after their daughter was born and they were transported to the hospital only a mile down the road.

Jerika Crews Bio

Jerika is 24 years old and lives in Utah with her family of four. She got married in 2015 and shortly after became pregnant with her first daughter, Grace. Grace was born in a hospital in July of 2016 and is now two years old. Jerika got pregnant for the second time in 2017 and had her second daughter, Martie, in May of 2018. She has been a stay at home mom for two years but has recently started a career in bookkeeping. Connect with her on Facebook.

2 Replies to “911 Call Roadside Delivery Birth”

  1. This Episode had me trying my best not to cry. The 911 call is so intense, I had to recover for a while! Absolute champion parents, kudos to the dad for staying so calm during all this! What an amazing ride!

  2. I loved this episode. The first part made me cry, but what really encouraged me was that her first birth sounded a lot like my first birth, which left me with a significant distrust of my body. The huge difference in the birth stories in this episode give me hope. I am due with my second child soon and I hope it’s different.

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