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Two Birth Stories and Perineal Massage – Dr. Joanna Ellington

In spite of being a Large Animal Veterinarian (Board Certified in Animal ObGyn) and a Reproductive Physiologist studying human fertility, Dr. Joanna Ellington was surprised when the flu threw off her ovulation cycle and an unplanned pregnancy occurred. Using excellent classic references like Active Birth and Spiritual Midwifery, Joanna used perineal massage to prepare for childbirth, and was maybe a little too active with a 2 mile hike that turned into 5 miles the day before her membranes began leaking. An induction resulted in a normal birth where Joanna used her knowledge of birth and lactation in animals to enjoy the process as much as possible, even telling her midwife “That was kind of fun!”

Joanna’s second son was born within 10 minutes after she arrived at the hospital. In the chaos and discomfort of having two male doctors she had never met working on her son and her private parts, Joanna coped by switching into “medical professional mode” and talking to them about her research. But, she lost her focus on her baby and the moment. Sadly, she forgot to invite her waiting son and mother in to see the birth, as she had planned. This was a valuable lesson of not “taking care of others” or outwardly focusing during birth, but staying centered and baby focused.


Between her two births, Joanna used her knowledge of the safety of isotonic (balanced salt) environments and her discovery of a plant sugar that protected sperm, to create the first FDA approved Fertility Lubricant safe to use while trying to conceive (Pre-Seed). Along with her Doctorate-of-Pharmacy husband, Joanna has gone on to create a new platform of isotonic women’s healthcare products in partnership with Fairhaven Health. These include: BabyIt Perineal Massage and Postpartum Comfort Gel. Best practice medical-evidence now supports perineal massage to increase a woman’s chance of intact perineum (not tearing or having an episiotomy), decrease the risk of chronic postpartum pain and increase a woman’s sense of control and positive feeling about labor and delivery.

BabyIt from Fairhaven Health

This episode is sponsored by Fairhaven Health. Fairhaven Health offers a wide range of products for fertility, pregnancy, breastfeeding and women’s health. Today, we’re highlighting a product from their vaginal care line – BabyIt Perineal Massage and Postpartum Gel. BabyIt is a water-based, isotonic and paraben-free gel designed specifically for perineal massage during pregnancy, and to soothe sore tissues postpartum. Fairhaven Health is generously offering 15% off of all products with the code BirthHour15 at

9 Replies to “Two Birth Stories and Perineal Massage – Dr. Joanna Ellington”

  1. Amazing! What an interesting woman! I would LOVE to hear a lot more from her!

  2. Loveddddd this episode so much. Dr. Ellington was so smart and had so many great resources. I got home and ordered her massage oil.

  3. OMG!! Finally a well articulate opinion and science to back it up about perineum massages!! Thanks so much, she’s amazing – loved her candidness, so good!

  4. Amazing, amazing, amazing!! It was thrilling to hear about perineum massages in such an articulate way. Thanks for having her on the pod, she’d be an amazing reoccurring guest for sure!

  5. I appreciated this episode. Thank you to you and Dr Ellington. You asked for questions: Does the lubricant found on condoms have the same effect on the vaginal “eco-system” as other lubricants?

  6. LOVED this episode!! It was so fascinating to hear all of the science that has gone into these products. One of which I use and one I would now like to use! It also gives me hope for the work to hear from a woman who is smart and really cares about putting out a product that is gentle, safe and has ALL THE RESEARCH to back it up! I would love to hear more from her and more from these types of guests in general!!

    I was also refreshed to hear that someone else had the same reaction as I did to the article in Mother Jones that seemed to indicate that because vaginal trauma was frequent and under discussed that cesareans were the obvious alternative. That article was championed on another podcast that I like and the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth that I couldn’t quite place and Dr. Ellington articulated it perfectly.

    Again. LOVE.

  7. I am curious what lubricant she recommends for general use as the fertility lubricant comes in tiny tubes. Perhaps the massage gel? Her information is making me re-think our use of coconut oil.

  8. Do you have any links to the articles or research she is referring to? I would love to read them!

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