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Healing from Birth Trauma: A VBAC Birth Story

Michelle Quashie’s Journey of Healing: A VBAC Birth Story After Two Traumatic Births

Michelle Quashie is a mum to 3 boys. Her first two children were born via EMCS (emergency c section), and her third was a vaginal birth that left her feeling so strong. She had always been fascinated by birth but the experience left her fascinated not only by birth but by its unspoken power and left her completely in awe. Giving birth ignited a passion within Michelle too strong to ignore. She now campaigns for women to be given the unbiased information needed to make informed choices throughout their maternity experience and to have their rights respected.

Michelle is an active member of the Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC) in the United Kingdom working alongside health professionals to improve maternity care in Britain. She is also a member of the MatExp campaign, the Positive Birth Movement  and other VBAC support groups.

Michelle blogs at Strong Since Birth and tweets from @QuashieMichelle. You can read more about Michelle’s birth and views on maternity care here.

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Resource Links:

The Positive Birth Movement

Tell Me A Good Birth Story

AiMS For A Better Birth


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