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C Section and VBAC Birth Stories

Erica Fleischer’s Birth Stories

Erica Fleischer lives in Chicago and is a mom to two girls ages 4.5 and 21 months.  Her first daughter was born via c-section and Erica had a difficult emotional recovery from it.  She quickly found ICAN and 3 years later had a successful unmedicated VBAC.  With both babies she suffered from low milk supply but found different ways of handling it with each baby. In this episode she shares both of her birth experiences and how they affected her both physically and emotionally.
Erica’s day job is as government policy analyst but she truly enjoys helping other moms as a co-leader of ICAN of Chicago and through writing.  You can see links to Erica’s published writing on her website

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cesarean-birth-storiesResource Links

ICAN of Chicago
IGT and Low Milk Supply Support Group on Facebook


4 Replies to “C Section and VBAC Birth Stories”

  1. Loved her stories, even though I found myself shaking my head and feeling so emotional about what she went through and what she was told by those first nurses and staff! She used so many acronyms though that I was clueless about… Could you consider including translating acronyms used in future blogs?

    • Hi Libby, this is Erica. Good feedback for me as I often forget that everyone doesn’t know these terms. Can I translate anything for you? VBAC=Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. ICAN= International Cesarean Network. What else?

  2. Pingback:Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Birth Story - The Birth Hour - Birth Stories of all Types

  3. Erica, I loved hearing your stories although the first was so upsetting. I’m wondering if you can share the hospitals that you had each of your births. I’m in the Chicagoland area and I’m currently pregnant and would like to avoid having a similar negative experience.

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