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Cesarean and VBAC Birth Stories

Monica Louie’s Cesarean & VBAC Birth Stories

In this episode, Monica shares the birth stories of her two births. Her son was born via cesarean section and after much preparation and research her daughter was a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) birth. Listen to Monica tell her stories in her own words.

Monica Louie Bio

is a mother, wife, blogger and financial coach. She and her husband have paid off $120,000 of debt in two years, and their ultimate goal is to pay off all of their debt, including their mortgage, by the time they turn 40. Her mission is to help others take control of their money so they can pay off debt and work toward true financial freedom. She shares her family’s journey, money-saving tips, and inspirational debt-free stories on her blog at You can also find Monica on Facebook, Twitter, and Periscope.

Monica is so passionate about her family’s goal to be debt free that she wants to share her knowledge and has set up a landing page at for birth hour listeners to download her free Checklist for a Strong Financial Plan.

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

Resource Links

Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

The Business of Being Born

5 Replies to “Cesarean and VBAC Birth Stories”

  1. I didn’t realize podcasts like this existed but now I want to listen to ALL the episodes! I love hearing these stories!

    • That’s what I like to hear!! I’ve only been listening to podcasts for a short time myself but I’m totally addicted. We gotta help spread the word!

  2. Monica is great—I love her blog—and it’s lovely to learn about another aspect of her family. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Pingback:Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Birth Story - The Birth Hour - Birth Stories of all Types

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