During her first pregnancy, Brenna planned an unmedicated hospital birth with a supportive OB. Despite an uncomplicated and healthy pregnancy, Brenna agreed to an induction as she approached 41 weeks. After beginning the induction with Cytotec, Brenna experienced minimal progress over the course of 30 hours. However, the introduction of a low dose of Pitocin culminated in the rapid onset of active labor and the birth of her and her husband’s daughter just 2.5 hours later. Rowan was 8 lbs and 20.5 inches long, and healthy.
While Brenna was proud and happy to have had an epidural-free, uncomplicated induction, the rapid finish left the experience feeling chaotic and overwhelming. Brenna also discusses testing positive for GBS, but not receiving antibiotics due to the rapid onset of active labor. Brenna had a fairly smooth and positive postpartum period, finding a sense of community in local and online groups. Following her own experience, Brenna became increasingly interested in the world of pregnancy and birth and began specialized training in perinatal mood disorders in her role as a marriage and family therapist.

Brenna Burke Bio
Brenna lives north of Los Angeles with her husband Weston and their two and a half year old daughter, Rowan; she is currently pregnant with their second child. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and works with individuals and couples in her private practice, and is currently completing her certification in Perinatal Mental Health. Brenna loves spending time with her family, traveling to new places, running, and finding new coffee and ice cream spots. You can connect with her on Instagram @brenna__burke and on Facebook.
This episode is sponsored by BabyCube. Your baby’s first year can really fly by and if you’re like me you may feel guilty for not keeping up with that baby book you got at your shower. BabyCube is a simple & easy way to capture memories by adding photos as you go in a user-friendly platform that organizes your baby’s first year week-by-week in a visual timeline. Then, at the end of the year (or when you’re ready) each weekly note & photo is printed and sent to you in a beautiful engraved wooden box. My favorite part is that you can start and finish at your own pace so it’s perfect for parents who need flexibility! And, it is definitely a great alternative to those baby books or journals we all feel like we should be filling out but somehow never do! For a limited time, BabyCube is offering 20% off to birth hour listeners with the coupon code BIRTHHOUR20 at babycubeglobal.com.
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