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In December 2015, Paige LoPinto had a beautiful home birth. It went so well that she decided to follow in April the Giraffe’s foot steps and stream her second home birth on Facebook Live. Over 8,000 people (95% moms, doulas & midwifes) followed her journey. Fun facts about her recent birth:
- Paige had 10+ people on her “birth team,” husband, family, friends, photographers, midwife, and doula
- Paige and her husband decided to keep the gender a surprise. Paige thought her entire pregnancy she was having a boy, so you can imagine the tears of joy when they found out it was a GIRL!
- Savvy Fae went nameless for 3 days. Dad wanted to name her Savage, but mom wasn’t keen on the meaning. They happily agreed on Savvy Fae!
Since the birth of sweet Savvy Fae, Paige has made an (unexpected) impact in the birth world. After streaming her birth LIVE on Facebook, women all over world have followed in her footsteps and are also streaming their birth live in the BirthTUBE Facebook group. Check it out!

Paige LoPinto Bio
Paige LoPinto, mom of two, is recently known for streaming her birth on Facebook Live in her group named BirthTUBE. In this episode you will hear both of her home birth stories and the story behind BirthTUBE (where women all over the world stream their birth LIVE on Facebook).
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