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“I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” Birth Story

A Pregnancy Story that Starts At 33 Weeks Pregnant

Today’s birth story guest is Phoua Moua who didn’t know she was pregnant until she was 33 weeks along. She and her husband have been married for 8 years and had been trying to conceive for 5 years. Phoua had put getting pregnant towards the back of her mind and didn’t realize she was pregnant until she took a test after noticing a linea negra. She called her doctor and they asked her to come in and draw some blood. The day after she went in for blood work, they called and told her she was pregnant and was about 6 weeks pregnant. The doctor then scheduled the first ultrasound for when she was “9 weeks”. Even though she called the clinic back and told them she thought she was further than 6 weeks, they insisted she wait another 3 weeks to come in.

The day finally came and she and her husband went to her ultrasound on May 15, 2014 where they were told she was already 33 weeks! Her baby was due the end of June which was the very next month!!!

33 Week Preemie Arrives as Miracle Baby

The next morning she had contractions, which she thought were Braxton hicks. She called the nurse hotline and they insisted she go in to the hospital. She went in at 7:30am and was told she had a rupture. Around 12 noon she was dilated to 6cm and at 2:30pm she delivered what she refers to as her miracle baby, baby Jeremiah at 4 lbs 8oz 19 inches.

You absolutely have to hear Phoua tell this story in her own words!!

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7 Replies to ““I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant” Birth Story”

  1. Phoua, congratulations again! I am blessed to have witnessed your journey! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful birth story with the world ! Jeremiah is definitely a miracle baby!

  2. God bless Mrs. Phoua and Husband with thier new Bundle of joy! What a blessings that is! Look how great our God is! Jeremiah is a handsome baby!what a beautiful name! Thanks for sharing ya’ll miracle blessings! Very lovely birth story!

  3. Baby Jeremiah, Aunty Paaj loves you dearly! You are a blessing indeed and have revealed much about the power and work of God! May He bless you indeed and use you in ways unimaginable to your mommy, daddy, and me!!!

    Phoua and Boonmee! What a joy it is to see you two grow as parents! So happy for the both of you!

  4. What an amazing story Phoua! God had blessed you and your husband with bundle of joy. Jeremiah is so precious. I really can’t believe it. God is so good! 😉 Congratulations to you and Boom! ♡ Yer Moua

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