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hospital birth induction with midwives

Induced Labor at the Hospital with Midwives

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After the ups and downs of early suspected pre-eclampsia, Emily went past her due date and started labor on her own. But after a high blood pressure reading and high protein in Emily’s urine screen, the hospital midwives thought it best to have her labor jump-started with an induction. After 20 hours, Emily was 6 cm dilated and her water broke with a laugh.

The midwife observed meconium in the water, which meant a little extra monitoring. After 24 hours of induction techniques and with the help of supportive nurses, midwife, and husband, Emily got an epidural. The subsequent 6 hours were calm, peaceful and relaxing as Emily labored in bed with a peanut ball.

After 30 minutes of pushing, Everleigh’s head was born. The midwife instructed Emily to stop pushing as she swiftly and gently removed the cord from around the baby’s neck: with one more push Everleigh was born. Despite fears from meconium, Everleigh cried right away and proved to be the strong, healthy baby girl Emily and her husband spent months praying for. Immediately after she was born, one of the delivery nurses excitedly exclaimed, “Wow she has such long toes!”

Emily Slyter Bio

Emily and her husband, Chase, live in Colorado and enjoy all it has to offer! They are new parents to a chubby-cheeked 7-month-old, Everleigh Grace, and are long-time dog parents to Dolly & Reba.

Aeroflow Breastpumps

This episode was sponsored by Aeroflow Breastpumps. Aeroflow has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find the perfect pump for her lifestyle. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, Motif, Lansinoh, Ameda and more. And the best part, they take care of everything – including getting all required paperwork, dealing with your insurance company, and explaining your options in order to get your free pump shipped straight to your door. 

Bonus — you may also qualify for free maternity compression garments like compression socks, maternity support band, and a postpartum recovery garment PLUS breast pump resupply products ranging from new bottles, tubing, and flanges to duck valves and pump membranes. 

All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!  

One Reply to “Induced Labor at the Hospital with Midwives”

  1. Thank you for sharing your story Emily, it was an informative listen. Would you mind sharing the all-natural acne product that you mentioned in passing? (I hope I’ve got it right that that was mentioned in this episode, I’ve been bingeing them at the moment!) Thanks for all the work you do Bryn, it’s a huge comfort at this time.

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