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mama natural birth stories

Mama Natural’s Birth Stories

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Mama Natural shares her two birth stories

Genevieve’s first labor with her son, Griffin, was long (27 hours with 4 hours of pushing,) and she had a hard postpartum recovery. With her second pregnancy, Genevieve was proactive in preparing for birth and credits her nutrition and healthy lifestyle to the super-quick and much easier birth of her daughter, Paloma.

mama natural birth

Genevieve Howland Bio

With over sixty million views on her YouTube channel, Genevieve Howland’s funny-but-informational videos have empowered millions of women to embrace natural pregnancy and parenting. Now, Genevieve is turning to the page and offering up the first ever week-by-week pregnancy book from a natural perspective.
The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth is the modern (yet ancient) approach to pregnancy and childbirth. “Natural” recognizes that pregnancy and birth are normal, and that having a baby is a wondrous biological process and rite of passage—not a medical condition. Full of weekly advice and tips, Howland covers vital pregnancy nutrition, natural remedies for common concerns, and the appropriate (and inappropriate) uses of medical interventions. Peppered throughout are positive birth and pregnancy stories from women of all backgrounds (and all stages of their natural journey,) along with advice and insights from: a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM); a Registered Nurse (RN); a doula; and, a lactation consultant.
Genevieve also offers a free pregnancy week-by-week series (email or text) from a natural perspective, and is the creator of the Mama Natural Birth Course, the #1 most popular online childbirth education class.

5 Replies to “Mama Natural’s Birth Stories”

  1. I cannot wait to buy Genevieve’s book!

    The story of her second pregnancy and birth sounds so familiar. During my pregnancy I monitored protein intake, listened to positive pregnancy affirmations, consumed red raspberry leaf tea like it was going out of style, kept my body moving with prenatal yoga, made sure to do forward leaning exercises to get baby in a good position, took hypnobabies classes/hired a hypno doula and had a chiropractic adjustment just hours before giving birth among other things!

    After my daughter’s quick birth I heard a lot of “Wow, you’re SO lucky!!” but I hate the idea that it was all about luck, and the hundreds of hours I spent preparing had nothing to do with the outcome. It sounds like your book will be a great eye-opener and a wonderful resource for pregnant women.

  2. Genevieve, Can you elaborate on where you found most of your spiritual affirmations that you used with your second birth?

  3. I’m looking on vital proteins website. They have so many products. What’s the one called that you talked about? (The powder not the gelatin)

    • The blue jar – collagen peptides is the one that doesn’t gel. Also the marine collage derived from fish and doesn’t gel!

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