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Military Base Birth in Japan During COVID & Postpartum Preeclampsia

When Laurel found out that she would give birth to her first child at an overseas military base,  she was elated! Although she was committed to choreographing a local production of Mary Poppins in her third trimester, she thought her pregnancy, having started smoothly, would be run-of-the-mill. However, Laurel’s on-base OBGYN clinic recommended  inducing Laurel due to blood pressure concerns.

Her baby made a fast, exciting, and healthy entrance into the world after 38 weeks of travel and dance adventures in the womb. Tiny Marguerite was born stubborn and perfect in under 14 hours. Laurel, Dave, and Margo ended up back in Urgent Care three short days later when Laurel developed preeclampsia. Luckily for them, the hospital was at the edge of their neighborhood and a 2 minute drive away. Laurel never pictured a global pandemic, postpartum preeclampsia, and being separated from family for months as part of her birth story but can confidently say that the road to motherhood  was anything but dull. 

Laurel Simon Bio  

Laurel Simon is a former professional dancer, dance teacher, choreographer, and stagehand who  currently spends her days singing musical soundtracks to her daughter at home. The wife of an  Air Force pilot, she has lived in various U.S. cities and counts Seattle as the top contender for  hometown. Marguerite is her first child; she and her husband also have a lovable Sheltie pup and  an irascible cat. Laurel’s public-facing account is @Sheltie_in_place_pup on Instagram. It features their dog and his adventures, with occasional human appearances.



Aeroflow Breastpumps

Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find the perfect pump for her lifestyle. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, Motif, Lansinoh, Ameda and more. And the best part, they take care of everything – including getting all required paperwork, dealing with your insurance company, and explaining your options in order to get your free pump shipped straight to your door. 

Bonus — you may also qualify for free maternity compression garments like compression socks, maternity support band, and a postpartum recovery garment PLUS breast pump resupply products ranging from new bottles, tubing, and flanges to duck valves and pump membranes. 

All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!  

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