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Missed Miscarriage + Fast Unmedicated Hospital Birth with Marginal Cord Insertion

After a traumatic and eye opening missed miscarriage with their first pregnancy, Sean and Brianna managed to get pregnant again. Brianna quickly found that pregnancy after loss is its own unique journey filled with underlying grief, anxiety, and insecurity. They chose to go the hospital route finding great care at a local OB. Knowing that brith is very hard to plan and predict, Brianna prepared for every possible outcome, but she knew she wanted an unmediated birth. She spent much of her pregnancy doing everything she could to give her body the best chance at success. Partway through the pregnancy they discovered a 7cm+ ovarian cyst and that her placenta was anterior with Marginal Cord Insertion. This prompted the need for several growth scans in the following months to ensure that the baby was growing appropriately. Brianna also had Covid during her third trimester which added to her already overly abundant fears. Thankfully the MCI did not end up having much of an impact so the pregnancy was allowed to play out without intervention. After several weeks of many Braxton hicks and off and on labor, they decided to schedule an induction for 40 weeks and 5 days. In the early morning of the day of her induction, Brianna woke to her water braking and contractions began in full force. Six hours later Marcus was born. Although it did not go perfectly to plan, Brianna had the empowering unmedicated hospital birth she wanted. For Brianna, navigating the postpartum period proved challenging, yet it paled in comparison to the physical and emotional pain she endured while recovering from her loss. Cradling her healthy baby in her arms, made everything better.

brianna voron birth story

Brianna Voron Bio

Brianna is an artist and woodworker based in Phoenix, Arizona. She lives with her husband Sean and their 5 month old son Marcus. She believes in a deep connection between life and art. She is in awe of her body’s ability to nurture and create life, and now draws much of her creative energy from her identity as a mother artist. Connect with her on her instagram: @briannavoron and visit her website to view her work:


Motif Medical

This episode was sponsored by Motif Medical. Motif designs insurance-eligible products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support mothers as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms are reporting more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, and see how you can get it covered through insurance at

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