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Mom & Midwife Share Birth Center Birth Story

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Today we have a unique episode featuring a mom, Gisyra, and her midwife, Margaret, sharing Gisyra’s birth center birth story together. It’s really neat to hear the perspective of the mom and her midwife and the beautiful bond they seem to have formed throughout her prenantal care and birth.

Gisyra’s Birth Film

Kisyra – a birth by Kalimana Film Stories from Kalli Pavon on Vimeo.

About Gisyra

gisryaGisyra and her husband are both in the military and her husband was stationed at Fort Campbell outside of Nashville and knew that she wanted a natural birth and after being unhappy with her care with another care provider she found Baby+Company birth center in Nashville and immediately felt a connection with Margaret and looked forward to all of her visits and prenatal classes at the birth center. Baby+Company is a national birth center with 5 locations in the U.S.

About Margaret

margaret-buxton-cnmMargaret Buxton has been practicing as a midwife since 1999 in both birth center and hospital based settings. She is a passionate advocate of the birth center model of care—which puts women and their families first. This evidence-based, high-value approach to maternity care extends the range of options available for clients and provides a caring environment conducive to a safe, healthy birth. She is married and the mother of four children, Lila, Ava, Mack and Bodie.

The Birth Hour and Baby+Company partnered to bring you this episode in celebration of National Midwifery Week. Baby+Company’s goal is to create opportunities for women to have the most positive experience possible, on their own terms, supported by a team of caregivers that respect their wishes completely.

2 Replies to “Mom & Midwife Share Birth Center Birth Story”

  1. I think this is my new favorite episode, so much love & beauty! The birth video was stunning. Thank you for sharing your story Gisyra & Margaret!

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