After an unplanned cesarean with her first baby and a successful VBAC with her twins, Kalen she describes her third birth and postpartum experience as her easiest and most rewarding. Her third induction resulted in a precipitous unplanned unmedicated birth which made for an uncomplicated recovery and a wonderful end to her pregnancies and births. She describes healing from this birth compared to her other three and things she’s learned and done differently the third time around.

Kalen Andelin Bio
Kalen lives in Wisconsin with her husband of 6 years Ian and their four children Maverick age 5, twin daughters Indy and Bowie age 3, and daugther Briggs 6 months old. She’s currently a stay at home mom and enjoys listening to podcasts, having a glass of wine, exercising on her Peloton, and the occasional date night.
- Kalen’s First Birth Hour episode
- Birth Hour Episode that discusses milk lipase
- Excess Lipase E-book
- 3 in 30 podcast
- The Informed Pregnancy Podcast @karrie_locher
- @heysleepybaby
- @totsontarget
- The Wonder Weeks App
- Huckleberry App
- The Short Years App
- Shipt App
This episode is sponsored by Ergobaby. Founded in 2003, Ergobaby has pioneered the gold standard for comfortable, ergonomic soft structured carriers. Their commitment to providing parents with the foundation to thrive has launched the company into creating a broad range of award-winning products that fit into families’ daily lives seamlessly, comfortably, and safely – where function and quality are not compromised. In 2020, they launched Everlove by Ergobaby, a first of its kind baby carrier buy back and resale program, a sustainability effort to support families and the planet. Check out Ergobaby’s Embrace in Soft Air Mesh that we discussed on the podcast!
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