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hospital birth PPD

Quick Labor, Long Pushing & Navigating PPD

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Britt delivered her first baby in a hospital with a relatively quick labor, but a tough pushing stage that lasted nearly four hours. She reflects on the birth as a whirlwind from calm to grueling moments. Despite frustrations with hospital protocol and conventional OB care, she felt powerful and strong. 

Britt had an incredible birth high the moment her daughter was placed on her chest, but was soon blindsided by feelings of dread and despair when she developed symptoms of postpartum anxiety and depression. 

Britt talks about how breastfeeding helped her find some glimmers of happiness in very dark times and how the support of her partner, doctor, and medication, helped her come out on the other side of PPD feeling empowered and changed as a new mama.

Britt Watkins Bio

Britt is a part time public health service provider and part time stay at home mom to her two year daughter, Maya. Britt and her husband, Matt, live in upstate NY where they take full advantage of living near the Adirondack Mountains with hiking, skiing, camping, and traveling. Britt and Matt are also very excited to be expecting their second daughter in just a few short weeks.



Today’s episode is brought to you by Britax Child Safety, Inc. For over 50 years, Britax has been focused on safety you can trust from the very first day. They welcome new moms and dads to parenthood with award-winning car seats and strollers for every lifestyle while providing extra confidence for the journey ahead. At the end of today’s episode, I talk with Britax safety advocate, Sarah Tilton, all about Preparing for the First Ride Home. Learn more about Britax products and safety tips at

2 Replies to “Quick Labor, Long Pushing & Navigating PPD”

  1. I’ve been listening to this podcast since I was pregnant with my almost one year old, but never commented. I am listening to the end of this episode again right now and felt compelled to comment because I have never heard someone explain ppd/ppa the EXACT way I experienced it. It is bringing me back to those first few weeks. I so appreciate you sharing your story.

  2. The end of this episode echoed my own experience with PPD/PPA, and not reaching out because I wasn’t having throughts of harming myself or my baby. It took me 7 months to get help for this reason… our systems need to do better with that. I’m so appreciative of this story.

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