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Shoulder Dystocia and Neonatal Resuscitation Homebirth Story

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Five Very Different Births

As a neonatal nurse, Sigrid thought she was well prepared for her first birth in 2008, but was totally knocked over by mainstream medicine’s “factory-style” birth care. She was induced, got an epidural, then pushed for three hours flat on her back before her cesarean section for “cephalopelvic disproportion.”

homebirth shoulder dystocia

Two years later, she had the most empowering experience of her life when she had a natural midwife-supported, Hypnobabies 9 lb 8 oz VBAC in the hospital. Her passion for natural birth and midwifery model of care was sparked here and has only continued to grow over the years.

In 2013, Sigrid had an intense but healing home water birth of a rainbow baby after two back-to-back miscarriages, including one with severe life-threatening obstetric hemorrhage. Her fourth birth, in 2014, was a precipitous accidentally-unassisted (almost) pain free birth at 42 weeks 5 days. This baby was caught by Sigrid’s husband, Isaac, in the tiny master bathroom of their home.

homebirth neonatal resuscitation

Today’s podcast features the story of Sigrid’s most recent birth in May 2018— the homebirth of her 11 lb 6 oz son complete with 4 minute shoulder dystocia and 6 minute neonatal resuscitation.

Sigrid’s kids all think it is hilarious that they were each born in a different place: an OR table, a hospital bed, a birth pool, over a toilet (they break into unbridled laughter at this point), and the family room hardwood floor. My birth team included midwife Maura Winkler of Fika Midwifery and birth photographer Shawna Stanley.

Sigrid Chapman Bio

As a mom of five, with a wide range of personal birth experiences to inspire her, Sigrid has developed a passion to joyfully support moms and babies on their journeys through birth and breastfeeding.

Sigrid holds a bachelors of science in nursing and has eleven years of experience, first as a newborn nurse skilled in neonatal resuscitation and now as a labor and delivery nurse with certification in fetal monitoring. She became an international board certified lactation consultant in 2012 and has been assisting at home births since 2014.

When she isn’t working, Sigrid can be found homeschooling and mothering Judah, Galilee, Shiloh, Calah, and Ari with her awesome husband Isaac and sweet dog Cody. She is a devout Christian and lover of good coffee, midwifery memoirs, IKEA, Thai food, and the concept of hygge, who calls Buffalo, NY home. You can connect with her on Instagram: @stretch_studentmidwife.

Hypnobabies Home Study Course
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth
Spiritual Midwifery
Pushed by Jennifer Block
Birth by Tina Cassidy
Mama Natural Week to Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth
Baby Cafe – free peer to peer drop in breastfeeding support facilitated by lactation professionals

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One Reply to “Shoulder Dystocia and Neonatal Resuscitation Homebirth Story”

  1. So proud of you, wonderful Sigrid – you are a birthing warrior!

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