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A Vaginal Twin Birth Story

vaginal twin birth story

A Vaginal Twin Birth Story – Kimberly Sherman

In this episode of The Birth Hour, Kimberly Sherman shares the birth story of her twin boys. It’s crazy to me that this was the first time that I actually heard a vaginal twin birth story. I know there are plenty of women who give birth to their twins vaginally but I just hadn’t met one yet, so this was a really special conversation to me.

Kimberly prepared so well for her boys’ birth and went into the experience knowing the type of hospital birth that she wanted and was a great advocate for herself. I’m so excited for you all to hear her story!

Kimberly also shares some amazing resources in her episode, and even emailed me with a few more after we talked, so please take the time to check out the ones that are applicable to you.

To listen to this episode, and the rest of The Birth Hour archives, join our listener supporter group here!

Resource Links


Preggie Pals, The Boob Group, & Twin Talks

Pregnancy Meditation

Well Adjusted Mama (Maternity & Pediatric Chiropractor): 


Expecting: Praying for Child’s Development – Body & Soul 

When Your Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads 

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth 

Other Stuff for Moms

Postpartum Care Pads 

Placenta Encapsulation

2 Replies to “A Vaginal Twin Birth Story”

  1. I really enjoyed this podcast. I love Kim’s emphasis on preparation, empowering yourself with knowledge so you can be an advocate for what you want in the clinical setting.

  2. I also gave birth vaginally to my twin girls. It is very unheard of, but at the time I had two older children, one in kindergarten who I had to walk to the bus everyday. I knew that a C-section was not the right choice for my family. Once we found out that there was two babies I started researching. The next appointment my doctor started going over what to expect since we were already at 20 weeks. I immediately told her I was concerned about a c-section and gave her all my reasons why. She listened very intently, and we agreed that if I made it to 28 weeks the conversation would be on the table, if I made it 30 weeks she would really consider it, anything over that would be icing on the cake and she would do it my way barring no complications. She also stipulated that if for any reason she thought the twins or myself was in danger she would do the c-section and there would not be a discussion about it at that point. Since she was willing to listen to me and have confidence in me, then I was willing to compromise. I delivered my baby girls at 35 weeks and 6 days MY WAY!!!! It was so amazing to me that we went that far and both babies were healthy!!! No major issues!!! As mommies we have to advocate not only for our children but for ourselves as well. We know our body better than anyone else, we know what we can withstand and what we can’t. Doctor’s need to understand that we will NEVER do anything that would intentionally put our babies in danger. As long as there is not a medical reason for a c-section, vaginal birth should always be an option, regardless of how many babies are inside!!!

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