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Fast Hospital Birth + Navigating Low Breastmilk Supply

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Fast Hospital Labor and Birth

The family was excited when they found out Emma was pregnant.  Emma had an amazing pregnancy; she felt powerful and proud to be nurturing a baby.  After hesitantly deciding to have a hospital birth (because of costs) Emma was able to maintain her goal of an unmedicated labor and delivery.

Emma’s contractions sped up ferociously and she almost did not make it to the hospital. After Emma arrived, the baby was earth-side within 20 minutes and 3 pushes.

Dealing with Low Breastmilk Supply

Emma planned to breastfeed and had to deal with the challenge of having an extremely low milk supply. She was unprepared for this challenge, and felt the doctors and lactation consultants she worked with did not support her breastfeeding or have an understanding of low supply. Emma was incredibly resilient and worked hard to continue to breastfeed along with supplementing. Emma has become very knowledgeable about low supply issues and resources for mothers. She wants other mothers to know that low supply issues are common and there are many contributing factors; but, there are also many lactogenic foods, herbs, and activities to support milk production.

Emma Gomez Bio

low milk supply
Emma is a hard working Social Worker and Therapist for Native American youth in her Bay Area community.  Emma met and fell in love with Davey many moons ago while they attended college.  Emma and her partner Davey have created a beautiful home together in Berkeley, CA with their pup Rio,  The family welcomed Zia in the summer of 2016.  Emma loves being a mother and feels blessed for the light that Zia brings to her family and life.

Resources for Increasing Breastmilk Production

Emma wrote an entire post about her experience with low milk supply!

Latogenic Foods

(Enough) WATER!

leafy green veggies, oatmeal, barley, brown rice, qunioa, chickpeas, lentils, almonds, fruits w/ pits, blackstrap molasses, rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, garlic, artichokes, asparagus, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, flax seed, nutritional/brewer’s yeast

Latogenic Herbs and Products

Activities to Increase Supply

  • Use heat before pumping (Shower, Heating pad, warm washcloth)
  • Breast Massage w/ Basil and Fennel Oils before pumping
  • Breast compressions while pumping or nursing
  • Acupuncture
  • Power Pumping (Pump for 20 minutes, rest for 10, pump for 10 minutes, rest for 10, pump for 10 minutes)

Pumping Products

Donor Milk Resources

  • Human Milk for Human Babies (FB pages by Region)

Resources for supplementing

Majka Lactation Products

Majka wholesome nutrition for moms postpartum. From low milk supply to nutritional depletion Majka supports new moms so they can feel good and better enjoy early motherhood. Majka products are SAFE, bioavailable, and effective, created by moms for moms. Use code birthhour for 15% off your first order.

2 Replies to “Fast Hospital Birth + Navigating Low Breastmilk Supply”

  1. Healthy nursing tea is a safe and very effective home remedy to boost breast milk production. I was coping with low supply since the birth of my baby and with the help of this organic tea, I am now successfully bfing my baby.

  2. Emma, everything you said in your breastfeeding journey resonates so deeply with me. Thank you, it’s nice to not be alone!

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