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42 week induction birth

Hospital Induction Without Epidural Birth Story

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Hospital Induction Without Epidural Birth Story

After the OB she loved left the office a month before her due date, Felicia was left having to advocate for her birth plan when the new doctor attempted to scare her into an early induction. She was finally induced at almost 42 weeks. After Cervidil didn’t change anything overnight, Felicia received a small amount of pitocin, which jumpstarted what ended up being her ideal birth without an epidural.

Felicia Bullock Bio

Felicia is a 32 year old procurement professional and Chicagoan. She lives with her husband of 4 years Bart, son Elijah, and French bulldog Hendrix. In her spare time she loves doing “mommy & me” activities with her son, date nights with her husband, and staying politically involved. You can connect with her on Instagram at @SakkiBomb.

induction without epidural

FamilyAlbum Photo Sharing App

Today’s episode is sponsored by FamilyAlbum. FamilyAlbum is a family-focused photo sharing app with over 5 million users worldwide. FamilyAlbum helps you save, share, and remember the special moments in your baby’s life. You can even get started before baby is born and document your pregnancy.

FamilyAlbum app offers unlimited free storage, is completely ad-free, and provides smart, automatic organization. But my absolute favorite thing is that you can invite friends and family to view your photos privately and securely.  You can even specify which family members see which photos. Your family will be notified when new photos are added and they can leave comments creating a fun conversation! You can also use suggested ideas for monthly photobooks, or create your own and then have them shipped straight to your door. The app keeps your memories safe, allowing you to recover them even if your phone is lost or damaged. To download this fun app head to the apple or google play app store and search for FamilyAlbum, or go to!

One Reply to “Hospital Induction Without Epidural Birth Story”

  1. Favorite podcast so far! As an African-american woman, it’s often difficult to find birth stories that aren’t from affluent white women, though those are great stories too. I particularly resonated with Felicia having to deal with the doctors not really listening to her or thinking they know what’s best (this often happens with black women, as we are not viewed as competent). For this reason amongst others, our birth-related mortality rates are several times that of white women. Please keep up the good work, and I hope other women of color will come forward with their stories. Thanks for all you do!

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