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Hospital VBAC Birth Story

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Elizabeth Quinn is married to Percy and they are raising their four children in Jackson, Mississippi. Elizabeth Quinn returns to The Birth Hour to share her most recent birth story with her son, Sims. Elizabeth had two cesareans and then a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and is really involved in the birth community in Jackson. She is super passionate about being educated about birth and helping women who have had c sections to know their options.

In this episode she mentions:
Spinning Babies Daily Essentials Dvd
The Miles Circuit

Birth Resources

You can check out a long list of resources (many specifically helpful for VBAC) from Elizabeth on her original birth story page.

Aeroflow Breastpumps

Today’s sponsor, Aeroflow Breastpumps, helps new and expecting moms qualify for a free, top-brand breast pump through insurance. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, Lansinoh and more. Visit Aeroflow’s website today to get started on receiving your free breast pump through insurance! From dealing with insurance, getting a prescription and handling all paperwork – your dedicated Breastpump Specialist will take care of everything for you. Go to and they will know I sent you!

4 Replies to “Hospital VBAC Birth Story”

  1. Beautiful story!! I was refused the VBAC that I had planned in LA for 35 whole weeks by my McComb doctor when I moved here 8 months along in 2012. I was completely shocked that she wouldn’t even allow a trial of labor or attempt. She didn’t want to get sued, that was her reason. She was willing to subject me and the baby to risky repeat surgery for monetary reasons! I let her believe I would do it just to continue care but called in sick for my scheduled surgery. They tried to convince me the cord was around her neck, requiring emergency surgery. Even if WERE true, it’s not an emergency! I was coerced, threatened, intentionally terrorized, and ridiculed at every visit until I fled town for Jackson. She had told me that if I showed up in labor they would do surgery. I laughed because I know that NO medical treatments can be performed without consent, which they would NEVER get. I truly feared legal action, however, so I waited out labor in a Jackson hotel and delivered beautifully at UMC! Never let doctors tell you “You CAN’T” YOU hire THEM. YOU are the boss! Someone who is not a money grubber will give you a chance for the healthy delivery you deserve!! I told UMC NOTHING about McComb and they allowed nearly everything I requested, some things they had never even heard of. Beautiful experience!!

  2. What is the bottle you guys talk about? That’s like a perry (sp?) bottle but works so much better and upside down?

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