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hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy

Hyperemesis Pregnancy & Peaceful Cesarean Birth

Peaceful Medical Intervention Birth and C-section after a Difficult Hyperemesis Pregnancy

Desiree Charles is a 32 year old wife, new mom, and young professional. She has been married to her husband for 3 years and enjoys her job, spending time with friends, and a nice glass of wine. She and her husband had not been trying very long when they got pregnant. Unfortunately the pregnancy was not what either of them expected and Desiree suffered from severe hyperemesis gravidarum. After several hospitalizations, Desiree gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

peaceful cesarean birth story

Aeroflow Breastpumps

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One Reply to “Hyperemesis Pregnancy & Peaceful Cesarean Birth”

  1. Im sitting here listening to this story, Im 8 weeks and have been nauseous 24/7 since week 5. Luckily for me, I am able to keep liquids and some food down, Im not throwing up so much as just too nauseous to eat or drink much. I just wanted to say thank you SO much for sharing this story. I dont think that people talk enough about the emotional and mental toll this takes on you. Feeling so sick so often is frustrating, exhausting, sad and lonely. It makes it hard to be excited or joyful about the amazing thing happening in your body. I look forward to and hope that I can get through this and feel better in the second trimester! To all the sisters out there feeling terrible in the first try, you are not alone!!XO

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