Bowie’s Birth Story
Bowie came a week early at 39 weeks. The morning of his birth, Cristina lost her mucus plug and could feel her body preparing for labor. She checked in to the hospital around midnight and was already 5cm dilated. Making sure to share her plan for an unmedicated birth, Cristina was happy her nurses followed her requests even though she was screaming for drugs somewhere around 8cm. After laboring on a medicine ball for hours, around 5:30 am she insisted they check her again and she was at 9cm. Minutes later her water broke. She pushed for nearly 2 hours and had Bowie at 7:31am.

Grey’s Birth Story
Cristina was already 4cm dilated at 38 weeks and had a feeling he was going to come soon. The morning of Grey’s birth, contractions started around 11am and never let up. Around 3pm, the contractions were about 10 minutes apart but still no pain. Cristina and her husband said a very tearful goodbye to Bowie, their older son, and headed to the hospital. They checked into the hospital at 3:30 and Cristina was 6cm dilated with contractions about 5 minutes apart.
Cristina had her water bag popped around 7cm and was asked to empty her bladder. She could barely make it back to the bed, having to stop and breathe through a contraction while walking from the bathroom to the bed which was maybe 6 feet away. Within minutes, she went from 7cm to 10cm. After pushing for 5 minutes in between 30 second contractions, Grey made his arrival at 8:31pm.
Cristina Bocanegra Bio
Cristina is a full-time freelance wardrobe stylist and founder of Love Child, Mini Market, and co-founder of Current. She lives in Austin with her husband, Michael, and two baby boys, Bowie and Grey. Connect with her on Instagram at @cristinafacundostylist, @lovechildmag, @minimarketatx and @currentconference.
Ina May’s Guide To Childbirth
First 48 Birth Photography: Heather Gallagher
Motif Medical
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