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Dream VBAC in Military Hospital in Japan after Breech C-section and 2nd Trimester Loss

VBAC birth story in japan

Anni’s first pregnancy was healthy and routine, and over the pregnancy she grew excited for labor and giving birth. Much to her disappointment, she ended up planning a c-section when she learned their daughter was breech at their 36-week appointment. Postpartum was consumed with learning how to breastfeed, and planning for a cross-country military move […]

Redemptive VBAC After a Traumatic C-Section Birth Story

vbac birth story

Leslie’s VBAC was both challenging and redemptive. After a traumatic emergency c-section with her first birth, she was determined to try for a VBAC with her second birth nearly four years later. She surrounded herself with a team of women (The Birth Hour’s Know Your Options course, an all-women’s provider team of OBs and midwives, […]

Advocating for a VBAC after Two Cesarean Births

kara swanson vbac

Kara shares the story of her son’s vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) birth after the two cesarean births of her daughters. She ended up having to drive two hours to find a care provider who was supportive of her decision to VBAC. She also discusses the difference in postpartum recovery, both physically and mentally, between […]