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Two Birth Center Births and One Home Birth Story with Hyperemesis Gravidarum Pregnancies 


In 2017, Chanice established well-woman care at a birth center and women’s care facility just two months before she and her husband were surprised by the news of expecting their first child. All was well until she developed Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) and was hospitalized at 11 weeks. She practiced prenatal yoga her entire pregnancy. After laboring for 12 hours, she gave birth at 40 weeks + 4 days at a birth center on Christmas Day. 

After two months of trying to conceive their second child, Chanice and her husband became pregnant in the summer of 2019. Similar to the first pregnancy, Chanice battled HG, required IV fluids during early pregnancy, and was prescribed medication for extreme vomiting. She practiced prenatal yoga 1-2 times weekly. She went into labor while napping at 39 weeks + 6 days. While she prepared her space for laboring for an unknown number of hours, her body had other plans… a precipitous (rapid) labor and birth! 

After two birth center births, Chanice and her husband made the decision to have their third child at home. Her third pregnancy mirrored her first and second pregnancies but with two energetic toddlers and continuing to work full time. Multiple false alarms led up to the real event on baby’s due date on a rainy day in February 2022. Her labor was eerily calm. She birthed baby #3 in a birthing tub in her bedroom.

chanice reid birth story

Chanice Reid Bio

Chanice is a wife and mother of three. Chanice was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. She is a proud Howard University graduate. She is a speech-language pathologist on the path to becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). She is passionate about serving all families but especially families of color in the Phoenix area. She can be found spending time with family and friends, eating a delicious meal, planning a community event, binge-watching her favorite shows, traveling, and avoiding doing laundry at all costs. Connect with her on Instagram @thejoyfulslp and @joyfulcommunication. 


Baby Tula

This episode is sponsored by Baby Tula. Baby Tula creates unique and expressive carriers that help parents keep doing what they love while connecting with their little ones. Baby carriers are so much more than a parenting tool! When you wear your baby, you support the emotional, social, and physical well-being of your baby as well as your own! With a variety of unique prints, small batch and handwoven fabrics, inclusive sizing, and carriers for older babies too, you can find a carrier that’s distinctly you! You can use the code BIRTHHOUR at and BabyTula.Co.UK.

Pregnancy and Birth Story with Type 1 Diabetes

Siri Lachmansingh Bio

Siri lives in Minneapolis with her husband, Jason, and 2 children, Adira (3), and Journey (7 months), 3 cats, 1 dog and 9 chickens! She has over 5 years of experience as a teacher of young children but changed career paths in 2021 and now works at her father’s electrical supply company. Siri has had type 1 diabetes since 2001 and she is excited to share the story of her first pregnancy and birth of her daughter, Adira. Connect with Siri on Instagram @sirilachmansingh


Aeroflow Breastpumps

Today’s episode is sponsored by Aeroflow Breastpumps. Aeroflow has helped millions of new and expecting parents discover the breastfeeding and postpartum essentials covered by their insurance including breast pumps, maternity compression, and lactation education & support.

They take care of everything – including all paperwork, working with your insurance company, and explaining your options to get these free essentials shipped straight to your door. Aeroflow offers all major breast pump brands including Medela, Spectra, Motif, Lansinoh, Ameda, Elvie, Willow and more.

All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know we sent you! Bonus — use the promo code “BIRTHHOUR15” in their online shop for 15% off all supplies and accessories.

Four Hospital Birth Stories: PUPPP Rash, HG, Inductions, Preeclampsia, NICU Stay, Fainting from Epidural

Experienced mother, African-American, who had prior textbook birth experiences at a very young age (I had my first at 21 and my second at 23). Third pregnancy at 32 through me through a loop despite being more prepared (financially, emotionally, and physically).

Induction due to preeclampsia at 36 weeks. Hard pregnancy that ended with a great pain-medication free birth with chaotic after birth experience. My daughter and I had an extended stay at the hospital due to the pre-e medication and I had to leave the hospital without her while she stayed in the NICU.

Daphny Sharpe Bio

Daphny is 37 years old, a mom of 4 kids (17, 14, 4 and 3) and they currently live in Memphis, TN. Connect with Daphny on IG @daphny_nicole or on LinkedIn Daphny Sharpe.


  • The Birth Hour
  • Ava Bracelet & their communitt (found out about it on The Birth Hour!)
  • Needed


Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.

Using a Sperm Donor as a Queer Couple and Hospital Birth Story at 35 Weeks with Preeclampsia

skin to skin after baby

Mariah planed to give birth at a Birth Center,  but she started showing signs of preeclampsia at 31 weeks. At 35 weeks she went into labor unexpectedly and had to go to the hospital. After laboring through the night and somehow even getting some sleep she delivered a healthy but small baby girl who weighed 4 lbs. 6 oz. The baby spent the second day after birth in the NICU due to low blood sugar but responded well to the treatment and was able to go home the next day.

Once home Mariah was on a strict schedule of nursing, pumping and supplementing for 3 weeks. Their supplemental journey included using an SNS, syringe feeding, finger feeding, as well as a bottle.

35 weeks birth story

Mariah Albanstoft

I am a wife and mother of 2 loving, silly, kind, and rascally children. Our house is a 2 mom queer household. We used a known donor to conceive both our babies. It has been a wonderful and hart opening experience. I am a career nanny and a doula who loves babies.


Kindred Bravely

This episode is brought to you by Kindred Bravely. From adorable maternity wear to comfortable nursing bras, this mom-owned company has you covered.  See all of their comfy clothing at! I especially love their Simply Sublime nursing tank, their high waisted leggings (for pregnancy AND postpartum). Listen to this episode for a special coupon code and to hear about my new favorites in their summer line of clothing and loungewear!

“Black Girl Magic” Hospital Induction Birth Story

kiira lyons pregnant

Kiira and her husband, David, decided to start “trying” after 4 years of marriage (13 years together) and got pregnant right away! Kiira’s pregnancy was mostly happy and calm, with the exception of first trimester nausea and second and third trimester sciatic pain. All of her prenatal care was at a local birth center, staffed by many midwives of color. It was extremely important to both Kiira and David to have OB providers who would listen and respect their wishes, and having Black midwives was one of the best ways they could think of to ensure that. They also hired a Black doula to support them through the pregnancy and labor. Kiira planned on a birth center delivery, with minimal intervention, but that’s not how things ended up.

Around the time she was 36 weeks, the birth center went on a “diversion” requiring all births to take place in a hospital. This was a huge source of disappointment and frustration for Kiira and David because it went against all their plans. They both held out hopes that the diversion would be over by the time Kiira delivered. But, when she went into post-dates and had an unsuccessful biophysical profile, she ended up needing an induction anyway. Going completely against her birth plan, Kiira wound up having an induction using Cytotec, Pitocin, nitrous, and an epidural. She labored for nearly two full days and pushed for close to four hours total. On April 26th, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in a room of incredible Black women (plus David). Although Kiira’s birth looked very different from what she had planned, it ended up being exactly what she needed. She had a care team that fully supported and cheered for her from start to finish. Kiira’s postpartum journey had challenges of PPA and low milk supply, but she immediately fell in love with being a mom and remains that way to this day.

kiira lyons birth story

Kiira Lyons Bio

Kiira is a wife, researcher, and mom of two. She lives in the triangle region of NC and is a lifelong Tar Heel. She is an avid podcast listener and has been a birth junkie since watching The Business of Being Born at 18. Connect with her on Facebook.


  • Doulas! Midwives! IBCLCs!
  • The Birth Hour
  • Evidence based birth
  • Kelly Mom
  • Facebook groups – local parent groups and national/international support groups for specific concerns (low supply)


Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.

Two Hospital Births: PPD and turning to Alcohol, Finding Sobriety and a Joyful Postpartum

ppd sobriety

When pregnant with her first child, Jen’s pregnancy was subject to many rounds of additional tests and scans throughout her pregnancy as she was being continuously monitored for IUGR. She eventually was pressured into an induction, which failed at the first attempt, sending her home after 48 hours not in labor and with a baby. Waiting it out over the next few days, Jen was leaking amniotic fluid without realizing and ended up back to a 2nd induction a few days later, this time with no fluid left. Her son was born at a low birth weight for gestational age which subjected him to numerous tests during his stay in the hospital and additional monitoring for months after delivery.

The anxiety surrounding her pregnancy and birth resulted in PPD where Jen turned to alcohol to self-medicate and cope. After about 2 years of evaluating her relationship with alcohol and failed attempts at moderation, Jen came to the realization that the only path for her was sobriety. Three days after making that promise to herself and her family, Jen found out she was pregnant with baby number 2.

Her second pregnancy was textbook from start until (almost) finish. It ended in an emergency C-section but despite the trauma she thought that might cause, she was able to fend off the PPD through proper medication, sobriety, and support.  

jen fracker birth story

Jen Fracker Bio

Jen is a mom to 2 children living in southern Connecticut.  Her first, a son Eric, was born in 2018 and her daughter, Harlow, was born in March 2021. Jen and her husband Chris have been married about 6 years and live a happy and full life with their family and friends.

She can be found on Facebook by searching Jennifer Fracker or on Instagram at @jdfracker and encourages anyone who finds strength in her story to reach out.


SNP Therapeutics

Today’s episode is sponsored by SNP Therapeutics, makers of the Genate Test. Based on over 16 million dollars in NIH grants, and more than 30 years of nutrition and genetic research, SNP Therapeutics is leading the charge in the field of prenatal, precision-nutrition genetic testing.

SNP Therapeutics is committed to providing accurate and usable information to help mothers provide the best possible nutrition to their babies through The Genate Test: a prenatal, precision-nutrition, genetic test that offers personalized dietary adjustments and supplement recommendations based on your DNA. 

You can rest easy knowing that your prenatal nutrition has been optimized by tailoring it to your genetic code. Find peace of mind about your prenatal nutrition with the Genate Test by SNP Therapeutics. Learn more at and Use code BIRTHHOUR15 for 15% off your order.

Unmedicated Birth with Broken Knee, 18 Years After First Birth

janae carns birth story

Ja’Nae Carns Bio

Ja’Nae is part of a family of four from Northern California, rooted in the Bay Area. They love the outdoors – snowboarding, stargazing, camping, farmers markets. Ja’Nae enjoys photography on the side while working and juggling life. She is a Mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a grand daughter and a niece. Ja’Nae’s husband Justin, her son Darion and her daughter Alannah are all on this crazy ride of life with her. Ja’Nae wanted to tell her birth stories to add to the vast and wide library the Birth Hour holds and to put her little stamp of herstory out there, for her son and daughter. She also wants to share this story with others traveling down this path, creating comfort and community. Connect with her @jlee_carns on Instagram.

giving birth with broken knee



Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.

Positive Induction After Infertility with Difficult Postpartum Dealing With Loss of Parent

megan spar postpartum

Despite a beautiful, complication free pregnancy, Megan’s path to motherhood was not easy. After years of struggling to conceive, several fibroid removal surgeries, a difficult new role at work and the loss of her father during her first trimester, it felt as if she was stuck in knee-deep mud not knowing whether to grieve or allow herself to be happy.

Before long, at 41 weeks, she arrived at the hospital for her scheduled induction. After a great response to the Foley balloon, labor was in full swing. Despite the immense pain over the course of 15 hours, Megan felt like she was finally able to release the anguish that had accumulated over the past 9 months and finally, her son Sterling Dagger was born in a dimly lit room surrounded by his father and grandmother.

Megan’s postpartum wasn’t without stress and unfortunately, because of incorrect information regarding her LOA benefits, her maternity leave was cut from 16 weeks to 12 weeks. Returning to work was difficult for her and her husband, and ultimately, it was decided that she would leave her full-time job and pursue part-time work to once again be the primary caregiver of their son. Watching her son grow and explore the world around him felt like the best decision for her emotionally and her family.

megan spar birth story

Megan Spar Bio

Megan is a 38 yr old creative millennial who, after graduating college, landed in the world of visual merchandising. She enjoys making things with her hands, listening to birth and tech podcasts and spending time with family. She met the love of her life, Brian, right after high school and after 10 years together they got married in Newport, RI on a cliff overlooking the water surrounded by a small group of friends and family. Now almost 20 years later they are raising their first child, Sterling Dagger and looking forward to this new adventure they’re on called parenthood. Connect with her on IG @everythingafteryou.



This episode is sponsored by Ergobaby. Founded in 2003, Ergobaby has pioneered the gold standard for comfortable, ergonomic soft structured carriers. Their commitment to providing parents with the foundation to thrive has launched the company into creating a broad range of award-winning products that fit into families’ daily lives seamlessly, comfortably, and safely – where function and quality are not compromised. In 2020, they launched Everlove by Ergobaby, a first of its kind baby carrier buy back and resale program, a sustainability effort to support families and the planet. Check out Ergobaby’s Embrace in Soft Air Mesh and new Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer that we discussed on the podcast!

Hospital Hypnobirth with Epidural + Cleft Lip and Palate Diagnosis

cleft lip surgery

At the 20-week anatomy scan, Alexis and her husband found out that their son would be born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. The news came as quite a shock and took a lot of processing. Due to the cleft diagnosis, Alexis had extra ultrasounds which led to them discovering that her amniotic fluid level was towards the higher end of the scale. Her midwife warned her that when her water broke, she would know it. After a cervical sweep at her 41-week appointment, at 41 and 3 her water broke at 5am and her midwife was not lying! It was SO MUCH fluid. Contractions picked up quickly after that and they headed to the hospital. Alexis prepared for birth with the Gentle Birth hypnobirthing app and used it to help her labor for about 10 hours until she got stuck at 6.5cm. Her contractions were picking up and getting stronger, but due to the baby’s position, her cervix was having a hard time dilating. She opted to get an epidural, took a nap, and an hour later was at 8.5cm. After using the peanut ball, other positional maneuvers, and a little drip of Pitocin, she was able to get to almost 10cm with a slight cervical lip. After 14 hours of labor, Alexis was able to begin pushing, pushed for about an hour, and delivered her sweet cleft lip cutie! He was incredibly healthy and took to eating from a bottle seamlessly. Alexis could not be more grateful for her experience. Even though it wasn’t unmedicated like she hoped for, she truly believes it unfolded exactly as it should. 

alexis duron birth story

Alexis Duron Bio

Alexis is a wife and a mom to one little boy living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Originally from Seattle, WA, she is a true PNW girl living in the south for now. She lives with her in-laws in a multi-generational/multi-cultural home. She works with a national non-profit and will soon be pursuing her masters in counseling. She enjoys getting outside when it isn’t too hot or too cold, spending time with her family, and binge listening to different podcasts that have anything to do with women’s health, birth, politics, and true crime. You can find her on Instragram @alexisannduron.

cleft lip and palate ultrasound sonogram



This episode is sponsored by Ergobaby. Founded in 2003, Ergobaby has pioneered the gold standard for comfortable, ergonomic soft structured carriers. Their commitment to providing parents with the foundation to thrive has launched the company into creating a broad range of award-winning products that fit into families’ daily lives seamlessly, comfortably, and safely – where function and quality are not compromised. In 2020, they launched Everlove by Ergobaby, a first of its kind baby carrier buy back and resale program, a sustainability effort to support families and the planet. Check out Ergobaby’s Embrace in Soft Air Mesh and new Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer that we discussed on the podcast!

Unmedicated VBA2C Birth Story with Gentle Induction + Postpartum Depression Discussion

skin to skin

After the birth of her first son ended in an unplanned C-section, Anna knew she would be trying for a VBAC with future babies, and found a team of doulas and providers to help support her in achieving her goals.  While her second labor was long and hard-fought, it ultimately ended in another C-section.  With more intentional birth preparation and support throughout pregnancy and labor, Anna eventually welcomed her third baby via a VBA2C the day before Thanksgiving, and found peace with all three of her births in the process.

Anna Buchholtz Bio

Anna is a healthcare consultant living in Virginia with her husband, Matt; their three sons, Elliott, Tristan, and Adrian; and their standard poodle, Sloopy.  In her spare time, Anna enjoys scouring Instagram for hand-dyed yarn (for knitting, crocheting, and more recently Tunisian crochet projects), and riding the Peloton, her most prized pandemic-induced purchase.  You can follow Anna on Instagram @anna.leigh.knits, on the Peloton leaderboard at AnnaBu015, or find her on Facebook (Anna Leigh Buchholtz).


Tubby Todd Bath Co.

Today’s episode was sponsored by Tubby Todd Bath Co. Created with sensitive skin in mind, Tubby Todd’s line of bodycare basics are gentle, effective and fun for the whole family. You might have heard of their eczema miracle worker All Over Ointment (fondly referred to as AOO), but this family-owned brand offers a full line of sensitive skincare solutions that you’ll love to reach for every single day. Start with The Regulars or Baby Bundle to get your little one set up with their very first skincare routine. Join the TT fam and get 15% off your first purchase with code BIRTHHOUR15 at

Three Hospital Births and Two Home Birth Stories

michelle coles birth story

Michelle Coles is the mother of 5 boys between the ages of 10 and 7 weeks, no twins included. Each birth was a unique experience. All births were vaginal. Her first three were born in hospitals and her last two were born at home with midwives. She was in labor with her first son for around 20 hours and with her last son for only an hour and a half. She received an epidural for her two largest babies, weighing in at 9 and 10 lbs, and went unmedicated for the others. As a result of these varied experiences, she learned a lot about giving birth and is happy to share what she’s learned with others.

Michelle Coles Bio

Michelle Coles is an award-winning young adult novelist, civil rights attorney, and public speaker. Her goal in writing is to empower young people by educating them about history and giving them the tools to shape their destiny. Her debut novel, Black Was the Ink, a young adult historical fiction about the Reconstruction Era, was published in 2021. Black Was the Ink received numerous awards including the 2022 Grateful American Book Prize, a 2022 Skipping Stone Award, a 2023 In the Margins Award, and the 2019 New Visions Award Honor.

Connect with Michelle via:



Motif Medical

This episode was sponsored by Motif Medical. Motif designs insurance-eligible products for busy moms. With a focus on innovation and empowerment, Motif’s line of breast pumps and maternity compression garments are sophisticated, yet discreet, and made to support mothers as they navigate new motherhood. Discover why moms are reporting more milk in less time with the Luna breast pump, learn about the new hands free, Aura pump, and see how you can get pumps covered through insurance at

IVF with Sperm Donor and Two Birth Stories after PCOS & Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis

ivf after cancer

Kat tried to conceive for a year using IUIs from a known sperm donor (her wife Emily’s brother). When that didn’t work, Kat sought fertility treatment and she was diagnosed with PCOS; because her PCOS had gone undiagnosed her whole life and she had never been on birth control, the unopposed estrogen from anovulatory cycles had caused endometrial cancer (stage 1, grade 1). Using fertility sparing treatment (a Mirena IUD and oral progesterone), Kat was free of cancer within 6 months and able to try IVF, which they were able to access because they had moved to MA. After two miscarriages and four years of trying, Kat was pregnant with her daughter Alice. That pregnancy, Kat experienced a long-lasting subchorionic hematoma and her daughter had a marginal cord insertion, and she was induced at 41 weeks. Kat got chorioamnionitis during the long birth, and the antibiotic treatment led to both her and her daughter having thrush. With her second pregnancy with her son Sam, Kat had another subchorionic hematoma. That birth led to an induction due to what ended up being a gallstone attack, a postpartum hemorrhage and blood transfusion, and a postpartum period affected by Covid. Her partner Emily is currently pregnant with their third and final baby, via reciprocal IVF.

Kat Fabel Bio

Kat and Emily live in Florence MA with their 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son, and they are due with their third child in August 2023. Connect with Kat via email:

kat fabel birth story


  • Facebook groups for queer couples trying to conceive, as well as facebook groups for trying to conceive after endometrial cancer
  • If you have PCOS or irregular cycles, and especially if you have never been on birth control, please consider getting screened for endometrial cancer
  • If you’re having trouble conceiving, very much recommend seeing a reproductive endocrinologist sooner rather than later, it would have saved us a lot of time, money, and pain
  • If you’re doing IVF or fertility treatments after cancer, Boston IVF was amazing and has reproductive endocrinologists specifically trained in fertility treatments after cancer 
  • RESOLVE is a national organization that keeps a really helpful list of IVF insurance coverage by state, including how they define infertility (especially relevant for same sex couples). If you’re calling your insurance company to ask questions about the kind of fertility coverage they offer, ask to speak to the fertility nurse or fertility specialist rather than whoever answers the phone because it can be complicated
  • Joining a postpartum group (our hospital runs one for new parents) was a wonderful way to meet other new parents and talk through sleep/eating/other issues 
  • TushBaby carriers 
  • Lactation consultants saved my breastfeeding journey – our pediatrician had one on site, check if yours does too!
  • Hearing alllll the birth stories (Obsessed with The Birth Hour; I also liked Australian Birth Stories)


Today’s episode is sponsored by Needed. Needed is the leading women’s health supplement brand recommended by nutritionally-trained practitioners. While most perinatal supplements include the bare minimum of the nutrients needed during pregnancy, Needed’s products are based on the latest clinical research and in-practice experience of nearly 4000 practitioners. Needed has all your needs covered, from your prenatal vitamin to pregnancy-specific Pre/ and Probiotics, to egg quality support, sleep, stress, immune and hydration support, as well as your protein needs for blood sugar balance and postpartum healing. Needed’s Complete Plan delivers unparalleled nourishment for every phase — whether you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or postpartum! Instead of having to pair 6 different products together to meet your needs, I love that Needed has simplified things by bundling together four core products you need, in an easy and flexible monthly plan. Save 20% off your first order of Needed’s Complete Plan or any of their other perinatal nutrition products at with code BIRTHHOUR.